What can I say about the guitar that hasn’t already been said? After learning to play the ukulele at a very young age, I soon progressed to the guitar. It was my second instrument to learn. Chords have similar forms on both the uke and the guitar, but the guitar adds a couple of more strings…and it’s tuned different than the uke. One thing I’d like to mention right off the bat is that the guitar is tuned in 5-fret intervals (a perfect fourth)…mostly. The string with the lowest tone is normally tuned to an E note and the subsequent strings increase in pitch by five frets…with one exception (which is not important right now). This has a lot of applications to chord theory and chord progressions. On the dobro page, I discuss one of the first important things I learned from Jeff Newman…and that was the Up5 and Down5 change concept. Applying that to the guitar, which is tuned in fifths, means that when you make a chord and move all of your fingers down one string on the fret board, it’s like you’ve moved up 5 frets! I know…that B string throws a kink in here…but think about the ramifications!!! I’ll surely touch on that later…or in some classes! -Boyd